To be inside a natural state is to be in a physical body in which no influence from outer substances enters…In the beginning, such influences like anger, fear, drugs, etc. will be happening unnaturally, from the unaware programming via our ancestors and parents.
The natural state of who you really are will begin to desire to emerge from its sleepy watchfulness, allowing ego to play inside the illusionary state, honoring freewill… Eventually with enough patience, Spirit, who you really are, will begin to awaken the body and remind it towards its journey once again…
This reminder will at first be painful, due to contrasting emotions and illusionary ideas, subconsciously programmed by unaware, conscious beings not meaning to, but slipping into coma…
Once we move deeper and allow our spirit to take the controls, we begin to relax the nervous system in which then we can loosen the ego's hold and with enough presence will begin to unhook you from the collective hold…
Back to individual freedom. From unity particles, we can then begin to live purely from within…The within world is the only real world…You have truly freed yourself and can create from the zero field…