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How the ego can dissolve and how you can finally see the real world…

Writer: Gods in TrainingGods in Training

How can you access the now while you are inside an identifier?

In my experience I've never been able to access the present moment while holding onto mind chatter...

The identifier I mentioned is when your consciousness is focused on the thoughts in your mind...The identifier being the thoughts and you thinking you are that so your mind defaults to thinking it is these thoughts...

To access the now can only happen when we move beyond thoughts and beyond the identity codes...If we say I still am "I" here and it's absurd to think I am not this then we haven't completely moved beyond...

What is the beyond? That's the whole point of this whole experience...To be who you already are and to know who you deeply are...And if we stay with an ego and "I" we then can't fully move into who we really are...

The mind that's only use is as a tool to grasp energy and to translate it into a form we can chew on doesn't have freewill because it is merely a programmable matter field to use as a vehicle for the one that is who you really are can ride and adventure...

The challenge is many of us hold on to tight to the ego field thinking we need it or it can't be dissolved as we are here being human...Because the human is an ego suited house that contains the"I" and it can't be anything else is what the programmed mind thinks...

So when you try to show someone this field beyond if they aren't beyond in their bodies yet can't completely grasp or truly understand what frequency you are charging from...

Someone that has moved beyond concepts, logic, ego, mind...Can access the now directly and inside the true now beyond identity can then be free to explore their real world...If you are still caught in the egos grasp you can't see the portal that opens you up to this dimension only felt by the heart...

So ask yourself when you are inside the stillness and alone if ego needs to exist at all in this human experience?



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