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The Greatest Addiction to Mankind is..

Writer: Gods in TrainingGods in Training

When you think about what the greatest addiction to mankind is, you might think it's the ole' sex, drugs and rock n' roll, right?

What if I told you that the greatest addiction is the addiction to the thoughts stirring in your head? You might think "But, that's who I am. What's wrong with that?"

Well, nothing is ever wrong in a galaxy created via love energy, but like anything, too much water can drown you, right?

So, what is happening is, the dam of thoughts is getting backed up because we haven't created the space in our lives for thought forms to glide by, as how they were naturally intended to do.

We suppress specific moments in psychological time and put them away inside our subconscious storage and move onto that good feeling escape and forget to tend to them later. Once the dam is backed up, due to unresolving the old thought forms, they become louder and louder; the chaos in our lives grows louder and louder.

They are merely yelling to be heard and released. Yes, that's it. With all this build up and chaos in our mind, we lose the connection to our heart forms. Our heart form is God. Heart is the only real thing in this galaxy that truly exists. This is where we go for grounding, nurturing, connection and healing.

Which is really just remembering who we are again. Without creating the space via intimate conversations and suppressing thought forms, we lose the connection back to our own being. Heart form is who you really are and what you truly abide in. We think the body is where we live. The body is merely a vehicle to get to where we truly live. We live inside the feeling world.




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