Having a new baby has made me reflect on how much I have neglected self-care and exposed the shortcomings of parenting. Please note that I don't intend to shame or judge parents; this is merely an exploration into the reasons behind human suffering. Every parent makes mistakes, and it's essential to be self-aware as you read this blog.
One crucial aspect that most parents overlook is understanding the impact of energy behind their words. When we say "no," "stop," or yell at a child to calm down, we unknowingly subject them to an energy attack that can have long-lasting effects unless addressed later in life.
Additionally, when we take on jobs that keep us away from our children, we evade the daily responsibilities of raising them. It's challenging to nurture our children properly when we spend only short amounts of time with them each week. To explain this concept, let's consider it from a business perspective.
During the first five years of a business, it's crucial to nurture every aspect and be fully present. You don't start a business and then abandon it to pursue other ventures. You concentrate your energy on nurturing that business so that eventually, it can stand on its own.
If your energy is devoted to another task for 40 hours a week, how can you genuinely invest your energy in what you're nurturing here and now? I speak from experience when I say that I tried this approach, and it resulted in a lot of pain and suffering. It wasn't until I had my first successful business and my first baby that the importance of focus and nurturing truly hit me.
Now, the challenge is how to focus on one thing and trust that my family and I will be provided for. That's a leap you must take on your own to find out. Lauren and I have taken that leap, and we've been supported by many things. Miracles happen when you show up for your energy. The scary part is when people don't take that leap due to fear, which leads to disturbed and lost souls who have no understanding of love or nurturing, ultimately causing more chaos in the world. By neglecting the early years out of fear and a lack of self-trust, we create a ripple effect that damages our humanity.
Remember, this is a personal journey that only you can embark on. Take the leap, and you may be surprised by the support that comes your way.